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Essential compliments of computer

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Essential compliments of computer

Human ware

Hardware: Hardware is only physical part of the computer, which is can be realize, or can be seen{touch} is known as hardware. it is just mechanism of the computer, all the devices attached to the computer system like, mouse, hardware, keyword, or monitor, CPU, motherboard, hard disk, are these hardware.

Software: Software is nothing but computer program, software is the set of program, which is are used for different purpose. it is also defined as the program concerned with the operating of the hardware in a data processing system.

Human ware: Who person handle operator {handles} computer and it is a periphery is know as the humanware it is a also sometimes called computer personnel/user/ operator.

ypes of software

The software are available are in a any computer system can be devided into the two types:

System software

Application software

System software: software is a integrated set of the specialized program that is used to manage the resources and overall operation of the computer, the software required for the running user program is known as a system of software is the collecting of the program written for the computer, which is allows the user to develop and the run program the system of the software it is the provided along with the computer itself and stored in a ROM, OR DISK.

Mainly: system software is devided into three types:

Operating system software

Utility software

Language software

Operaitng system software: An a operating system software is a program, which is overall operation{ activities} of the computer it is the media point the between the computer and operators. DOS, UNIX, WINDOWS are the example of the operating system. it is the program which is provideds organized services to the computer user and the appliucation program that they wish to use these services consist mainly of the access to the hardware resources, such as the disk drives, keyword, etc.

Utility software: utility program are these program, which are used for the managing files or folders. working with the files or folders then drives and developing/writing and testing the programs,. utility software are gives services to computer by providing facilities for the performing common tasks such as the data transfer, search and merge files recovery diskette management etc.

Language processor: Language processor are these which translate the program written in a programming language into an excuatable program {human understanding language}that is the understood and the followed by the hardware of the computer assemblers, compliers, interpreter, are the example for of the language process.

Assembler: A programs which is converts a program, written a low level language, into the mechine code. { mechanism language} is known as the assembler.

Compiler: A program which is translate a program. written a high level, into the binary digits{ mechanism language} is called the compilers.

Assembler and compiler are called also translate.

Interpreter: An the interpreter is a different types of translate. it is dose not convert the programming language into the mechine language, but direcdt the CPU to the follow each program statement. translating excuting each instruction in turn which means that translating .

Configuration fo computer system

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Configuration fo computer system

  • Power supply unit { stabilizer, ups, interruption power supply}
    we know that, computer is an electronic devices so electricity is compulsory requirement to operating. each and every components of computer can sustain a fixed current capacity so fluctuation of the voltage nay damage this components that's way we have to use voltage, stabilizer, etc, to maintain to the voltage fluctuation UPS is power storage devices so it;s help to supply power reliquary at the time of the interruption of electricity.
  • Input device
  • this devices are use to give raw data{input} to the computer performer the specific takes some input device are as follow.
  • Mouse
  • Keyword
  • Scanner
  • Joystick
  • Digital camera etc,

CPU {central processing unit}

  • The major unit of computer is a CPU { processor} known as the brain of the computer. all of the computer work are performed with the help of this devices like, 80286, 386,486, Pentium I, II, III, IV, are the different types of CPU, mainly it is devided into two units.
  • Arithmetic and logical unit {ALU}
  • Control unit {CU}
  • Output device

  • These device are use to get final result {output} from the computer firstly output process data is the displayed on the monitor then with the help of printer. we can print out these output on a paper media following are the major output devices:
  • Monitor
  • Printer
  • plotter
Memory device { attach to the system box} CPU,BOX.
  • The main purpose of the memory is to can store partial solution during the computer run:
  • Mainly these are the two types of memory
  • Primary memory
  • RAM { Random access memory or read write memory}

  • It is the running workspace of the computer intially, every tasks is stored in RAM, when we save these information then these are stored in secondary memory { storage devices} it is also called volatile memory because of the information are erased when the power is switched of/ 4MB 8MB/ 32MB/ 64 MB/ 128MB/ 256MB/ 512MB/ are the size of RAM available in the market.
ROM { Random only memory}
  • It is the programming chips, where all of the system information kept at the time of manufacture. we can see the information of ROM, at the time of booting computer. we can only read the information of ROM, we can't write edit/or delete the information available on it.
  • The processor of system retrieves data and instruction from the primary memory in the order to the execute program with the help of CU AND ALU.

  • Secondary memory : These are the storage devices, these are use to keep store the information data as well as different types of computer software program permanently these are the three types of memory devices.
  • Flexible or flopy disk{ A: OR B}
  • Solid or hard disk { C: OR D: OR E:}
  • Optical disk { D: OR E: OR F:} Depends upon the partition hard disk}

Computer of future

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Computer of future
In this century in the world todays we need any places we seeing computer life. that's way we moving new system in the world todays, every people well knows which is operating system computer, ever places to hold our business we should necessary computer.

Up coming human being life even places needed to computer without computer thisdays
not possible our work. there are so many people moving her business newness computer operating system because which can do that operating system for to those business. it's reference we saying this matter nothing possible ever places moving your business that's reference we saying today. as if you should do new creation own your business at that time you have to move your new software or new creation then you got find your new process, these due-to in the world everybody people who knowing this idea or to moving new kind of software may they will get succeed his business.

How many people still this day moving this kind of software or new design making her computer you can guess, may be our regrading to billion people today holding new process about of computer new program other than better work is doing today our business with computer that's way. always day where we needed to computer at the right time we should necessary our new creation program or new computer design after then we can find out our work within few minute or few hour we can get succeed.

Advantage of Softwere

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Advantage of Softwere
Softwere we also know about this system this reference we saying for them people who want to move his softwere they also have to know about knowldge. for the example we can give, computer softwere. hardwere softwere, network softwere, then you can find out so much softwere programme, etc, how to moving theese softwere. therefore who people hold on those favourite softwere they will make those work. that's way for ever we need our softwere day by the day, as result we can achieve our good new work.

To this days we need differ king of sotwere moving our bussiness in that without your softwere they can't acess those work. anything gose those lifestyle but they have to dose up comming life many work. therefore they had to move them good softwere, In the world to this meanstime ever time new borning scientist they fighting most of them challenger giving new forcess those mind. as far as they having those challenger onself new invention. because they had to know how to give chalenge for them, it's reference they fighter doing compitition because nothing possible there without new invention that's way they will giving the forcess himself good practical.

In the marketing sector thisdays softwere giving forcess beacause of as result having new occassion everbody bussiness holder. there are so many market we seeing day by day that's way
todays carrying big work softwere, if they nussiness holder making himself want to make new observation for that to work they need move himself softwere, therefore for ever time thisdays we necessary day by day have to design, there are so much benificial we can take out from the softwere. so that who people todays doing work as result having new softwere, so ever places we ever worker to hold his bussiness they need those favaurite softwere, which is might solve for the bussiness

Advantage of Hardwere

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About the advantage of hardwere there are so much we can get beneficial, something human being life they moving those differ kind of part of parcel hardwere you know that like, computer hardwere, something TV, WATCH, MONITOR, and then you can show out many hardwere they moving those mine hardwere, which is they got benifit ownself for bussiness.

It's most important human being life because this reference they moving ownself those bussiness . in the world todays big reaction coming human being life therefore we need so many kind of hardwere which is associate for his life then we can set off theese kind of hardwere, to this meanstime to this day having new hardwere there it's reference we founded theese types hardwere as resul this may possible implements in that we did create after many investigetion theese hardwere, as resul todays we moving diferent kind of hardwere then we having so much new hardwere our human being life.

Where to this days you can see in the world many scientist borning today they also doing those miner creating new hardwere, we mean that which one scientist fighting other scientist those mind therefore we need todays who have so much efficient or been good knowldge for that scientist we should give them good opportunity. as result we can find up comming our life got new hardwere.

Computer introduction

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Computer is an part of parcel hardwere, which is one machine through CPU moving this system. when you writes your matter through keyword then will show your destop pc, this machine relays almost with hardwere without your hardwere theese syster didn't move. for the example: we can give, Motherboord, hardisk, sound card, vj card, ram, etc.

There are something content of computer:

1 Hardwere
2 Softwere
3 Network

1 Hardwere : First of fall let's go hardwere, hardwere is one most of part your human being life while you operate your hardwere for that time you should becare, in that if you don't care this system at that time anything gose lost your hardwere system therefore you have to care bout this system. for the example: Motherboord, hardisk, sound card, vj card, ram, etc.

2 Softwere is nothing but computer progamming, when you need to moving your computer programming at that time you should keep your softwere inside the CPU. while you kept softwere programming inside your pc then now you can move computer programming. for the example: we can give, like, account package, computer design, ms word, excel, nework, etc. anything you can move your programme with pc.

3 Network : Networf is one communication. how much you can make your communication with netwok, you can make much more there in that this generation we need communication without communication we can't make our bussines, with bussiness this makes help, today in the world all over people who want make those communication there has been possible his network system . for the example : getting message both communication. sending message with friends, live music, face to face talk with friends, dailly news you can get much more favilities avalable there your network.


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