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Configuration fo computer system


Configuration fo computer system

  • Power supply unit { stabilizer, ups, interruption power supply}
    we know that, computer is an electronic devices so electricity is compulsory requirement to operating. each and every components of computer can sustain a fixed current capacity so fluctuation of the voltage nay damage this components that's way we have to use voltage, stabilizer, etc, to maintain to the voltage fluctuation UPS is power storage devices so it;s help to supply power reliquary at the time of the interruption of electricity.
  • Input device
  • this devices are use to give raw data{input} to the computer performer the specific takes some input device are as follow.
  • Mouse
  • Keyword
  • Scanner
  • Joystick
  • Digital camera etc,

CPU {central processing unit}

  • The major unit of computer is a CPU { processor} known as the brain of the computer. all of the computer work are performed with the help of this devices like, 80286, 386,486, Pentium I, II, III, IV, are the different types of CPU, mainly it is devided into two units.
  • Arithmetic and logical unit {ALU}
  • Control unit {CU}
  • Output device

  • These device are use to get final result {output} from the computer firstly output process data is the displayed on the monitor then with the help of printer. we can print out these output on a paper media following are the major output devices:
  • Monitor
  • Printer
  • plotter
Memory device { attach to the system box} CPU,BOX.
  • The main purpose of the memory is to can store partial solution during the computer run:
  • Mainly these are the two types of memory
  • Primary memory
  • RAM { Random access memory or read write memory}

  • It is the running workspace of the computer intially, every tasks is stored in RAM, when we save these information then these are stored in secondary memory { storage devices} it is also called volatile memory because of the information are erased when the power is switched of/ 4MB 8MB/ 32MB/ 64 MB/ 128MB/ 256MB/ 512MB/ are the size of RAM available in the market.
ROM { Random only memory}
  • It is the programming chips, where all of the system information kept at the time of manufacture. we can see the information of ROM, at the time of booting computer. we can only read the information of ROM, we can't write edit/or delete the information available on it.
  • The processor of system retrieves data and instruction from the primary memory in the order to the execute program with the help of CU AND ALU.

  • Secondary memory : These are the storage devices, these are use to keep store the information data as well as different types of computer software program permanently these are the three types of memory devices.
  • Flexible or flopy disk{ A: OR B}
  • Solid or hard disk { C: OR D: OR E:}
  • Optical disk { D: OR E: OR F:} Depends upon the partition hard disk}


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