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The beautiful pokhara

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This place is been located inside nepal when you visite at this nepal then you will see your destination beautiful place. in the something countris this place have been recognized that beautiful place, this palce from kathmadu you can go by the bus, by car, as like thruogh bike you can go there.

This place mainly is been tourist sector while those tourist comes out from his country then they first of fall will visit pokhara for tour this location is the best of place of nepal, when they gone pokara at that place them will be happiness reason is that first those rourist will see new natural mountain view, on the top of hilly region around pokhara place. then after see this mountain view you will be happy, and next time when did you reached there then you can see on the buttom land located conservativ oldest place hotel, like pow, phewatal for this one of best popular gone be. because phewatil is this place has been one natural place there you can visit by the rafting then one of begest moment is that you can see there pow between located one beautiful conservative old temple. whe you saw this temple you may be wonderfull therefore this is most of popular place have been new old creation place.

Them most of moment is that while you gone inside pokhara hotel for them customer as far as they will respect for givin those hotel warmly well-come, doing those conservative respect for them tourist, then givind those hotel expert quality food, like giving new destination place for them tourist, this has been for all about of responce work then well service. of them hotel most of popular hotel is lekside hotel you can visit there, this hotel is laxury, where you can get differ kind of facility you can achieve there then while you sat this hotel place you don't
feel never uncomfortable for your life. which is you had to facility you can get all over.

Not only sufficient your visit for that place other part of sector you can get there of them countain rigion inside pokhara you can get there annapurna the best mountain you can achiev there. while for mountain you saw then you will love this mountain, somethin next rigion you can get new conservative place, like oldest temple, oldest hotel, oldest houses, and next destination is for there are many natural place you can see. as like, something waterfall, small streams, some river's flowing buttom in this place,

The beautiful place Nagarkot

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The beautiful place Nagarkot
This place located in nepal, which is popular tourist sector and through the kathmandu you can visit this place. when you went there as like you can see around area mountain actraction view then in then while you raise in this morning you can get there as soon as sunrise and evening time when you past your days then you can get one beautiful moment that is sunset.

While do you want to visit those place more then more you can find out travell knowldge then lot of more enjoyed there. Infact we just saying not about of adventure place that is not adventure place it is most of about natural resourcess rich sector, therefore many people who visited this place they will say us we loved Nagarkot. for this place we can give example, like you can find out there mountain sight view, like top of the hilly region, like many waterfall, greenlad, as same like top of the mountain region snowfalling down sight stream you can see in this place.

As if we kept there those natural places doing visit more than better we can show out sufficient places. that's way it's so most of the vally through we can got it our visit place these area, so that many tourist while they want to visit nagarkot regrading to beautiful place they will keep on those visit next time, it's reference they want to visit there while tourist got it this place first of fall as far as how to give respect those tourist our Hotel they people thoughts, after giving respect they people whlie tourist will stay those hotel, as you know that respect how to could be them enjoy his hotel like, doing good service, giving the sweet food, and other factor is that we have to giving different places visit them, after then get back Hotel welly we should keep them, and they will get satisfaction them visit place in the final time they got it those destination travell places.

Nepal tourism sector

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The beautiful place Nagarkot
Nepal is an landlocked country which is in the world natural riches. there are so many country in the world but nepal is an one differ kind of country most other counntry. here are so differ kind of human being lives, like, brahman, chhetry, tamang, magar, curung, newar, etc, you can find out in the nepal. differ to differ cast they have ownself those culture, and abeying have come those tradition riligious.

In the most of country nepal has been traditional recognized. todays we have to know about something nepal because it's regrating to we saying for them people, nepal is an completely covered natural heritage, some of heritage we are explaning here there are somany natural heritage, like, huge mountain, hill, waterfall, rivers, streams, forest, adventure travell brodband links, you can show out. most of those tourist they want to visit for nepal, when they comes out from his country likely, they first of fall want to visit bout of nepal, other country so many there but not there same like nepal, because nepal is beter than other country for historical event, like some those traditional heritage, riligious, differ kind of cast several system living here. those cast culture, those traditional riligious you can show out in the nepal.

As if while they comes out from his country they first of fall giving forces travell trip, many rustic have been living there, when rustic met tourist and most of them tourist first of fall want to give those language, those historical, those riligious, and some of about they want to know hidden cultural, hiden oldest natural heritage, etc, they want to take out his camera. infact those visit may be searching new even and new artical, new biography want to make tourist.

Compitition trade of world

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Compitition trade of world
  • Thisdays in the world anywhere we can see there are having so much compitition. because of this century has been so powerfull trade, something trade we don't know that from where those bussiness trade moving in the world, therefore lots of people todays thinking how we can move our trade? how can we get sucessed? or how can we more profit from our trade? so as if we have failure moving this trade at that time we have been unsucess here.
  • That's way everyone trade getting to sucess we had to there more strive. after strive as if we can't get our profit we mean that there have been fail our rule and regulation moving to trade. isn't if how don't get our strive so ever time we have to give there something communication our trade, if we got loss our communication may be there wrong our operating system. so that we nedded to move again operating system our bussiness, even people today giving intence for those trade, why they giving intence those trade because there have so much power his trade that's way they has to give intence.

Changing World

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Changing World
From the world gboblization map changing newness world. In the world today is being change due to science, every sector every country moving all over world regrading to science, in life is that nothing possible without science life that way world is this 24 century almost we has to be necessary with science life.

When we did born this world scientist having the new chang todays, having science life, like every makers want to make his bussiness, those comminication, those work want to hold reference to scince, thus, whether you want move your hands or whether you did your work nobody possible as science. we having got today every sucess matter, or every work is being made with scientist life.

while scinentist did born this world they giving us newness work, newness bussiness, newness market and newness machine so reason is that its all over observating scientist engineering, while the Bili get his first did made computer todays you can see abybody people have been got computer makking there career pople good education computer and peopleself can make his life, its also reference to with scientist maker. thus this world day by day we have getting chang human being life todays differ you can see there world, not only just one country lots of more country having sucess today due to scientist life.

Every bussiness holding today as like your newness after the scientist rule investigation. while scientist made his good career. they did recomended his investigation todays we moving this career and same like scientist maker rule today thats way aften nothing possible working here today. we can hold out our bussiness, we cam moving our career, and we got to reached this places. every human being today taking through scienctist career, thats way today world is being change.

So who is there today scientist they can move his every sucess work, like his career, good education, good skill, good job anyone you can get your porject, people thought today we got this newness advantages our scientist rule. and makign good career, having newness world, getting the new way thus this life is being change in the world world creating new investigation.

Natural resources of Nepal

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Natural resources of Nepal
Nepal is one most of them country natural resources region. here are so many natural resources you can found. as far as most natural resources lots of here. for example, like mountain view, waterfall, rivers, stream so much more you can get here or you can see here thats way, its your regrating to you can say or you can love nepal,

After the Brazil water resouces you can see for nepal. here are so many like rivers, waterfall, and stream, thus we can take out more Hydropower, more electricity can gets here, from electricity we can move lots of Industrials, hotel, factory and so ohter sector is we can move more lots of other like bussiness, its due to natural resources may beneficial for nepal,

While tourist comes out from his country most of them tourist they will live nepal, reason is that here are most of religious and conservativ ancient like temple, and other sector is they will love Nepali people, when tourist comes out from his country first of fall we dose respect them, not only just while nepali people with talk about nepal most of tourist want to know about of nepal because of they want to learn somthing from here, and so they will visit as far as they can walk for tour may can get tourist about of nepal historical places, ancient places like temple nepali riligious they can get all over knowldge,

Its regrating to tourist will love nepal while they got it his sucessfull visit and they did newness places, like doing the visit, taking intertaint mountain view, waterfall from top of high hilly region, taking the atractive view, they loves nepal, every people who want visit nepal thet really suppose of nepal.


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