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Natural resources of Nepal


Natural resources of Nepal
Nepal is one most of them country natural resources region. here are so many natural resources you can found. as far as most natural resources lots of here. for example, like mountain view, waterfall, rivers, stream so much more you can get here or you can see here thats way, its your regrating to you can say or you can love nepal,

After the Brazil water resouces you can see for nepal. here are so many like rivers, waterfall, and stream, thus we can take out more Hydropower, more electricity can gets here, from electricity we can move lots of Industrials, hotel, factory and so ohter sector is we can move more lots of other like bussiness, its due to natural resources may beneficial for nepal,

While tourist comes out from his country most of them tourist they will live nepal, reason is that here are most of religious and conservativ ancient like temple, and other sector is they will love Nepali people, when tourist comes out from his country first of fall we dose respect them, not only just while nepali people with talk about nepal most of tourist want to know about of nepal because of they want to learn somthing from here, and so they will visit as far as they can walk for tour may can get tourist about of nepal historical places, ancient places like temple nepali riligious they can get all over knowldge,

Its regrating to tourist will love nepal while they got it his sucessfull visit and they did newness places, like doing the visit, taking intertaint mountain view, waterfall from top of high hilly region, taking the atractive view, they loves nepal, every people who want visit nepal thet really suppose of nepal.


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