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Nepal tourism sector


The beautiful place Nagarkot
Nepal is an landlocked country which is in the world natural riches. there are so many country in the world but nepal is an one differ kind of country most other counntry. here are so differ kind of human being lives, like, brahman, chhetry, tamang, magar, curung, newar, etc, you can find out in the nepal. differ to differ cast they have ownself those culture, and abeying have come those tradition riligious.

In the most of country nepal has been traditional recognized. todays we have to know about something nepal because it's regrating to we saying for them people, nepal is an completely covered natural heritage, some of heritage we are explaning here there are somany natural heritage, like, huge mountain, hill, waterfall, rivers, streams, forest, adventure travell brodband links, you can show out. most of those tourist they want to visit for nepal, when they comes out from his country likely, they first of fall want to visit bout of nepal, other country so many there but not there same like nepal, because nepal is beter than other country for historical event, like some those traditional heritage, riligious, differ kind of cast several system living here. those cast culture, those traditional riligious you can show out in the nepal.

As if while they comes out from his country they first of fall giving forces travell trip, many rustic have been living there, when rustic met tourist and most of them tourist first of fall want to give those language, those historical, those riligious, and some of about they want to know hidden cultural, hiden oldest natural heritage, etc, they want to take out his camera. infact those visit may be searching new even and new artical, new biography want to make tourist.


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