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Advertising in the media


advertising in  the media
Most telivision networks, radio stations, and the newspaper depend for their income in a selling advertising time or space. As a result advertising is a very common feature of all our dailly media. in fact most of newspaper advertising makes of the majority of the content. very large amount of money are spent on the production of advertising far more than is spent on a media programme such as the soap aperas or the news. A television commercial can easily cost many thousand of dollars per second.

Like other texts in the media, advertisement have to the attract the audiences attention and there are many diffferent strategies used in the advertising to do this. Some advertisements provide information about product or services in order to the influence the audience to that buy product or services. they tell us what the product is a made of or what is the useful for, or and how much is cost. but there are growing number of advertisement provide vey little information about the product. instead they are designed to create in image, and image that appeals to our desires and testes, in the pages of glossy fashion magazines ther are for example, advertisement for the perfumes., for jewelry, for watches, and for mane brand clothes in which ther is nothing more than brand name or a logo and picture. the picture is that often present an a image beauty, wealth, an idyllic location or lifestyle {see the picture above} romance or popularity, things that as we the audience are the assumed to desire to want to be associated with.

what are the some feature in the designe of the advertisement that the encourage us as the vewier to feel the attracted and involved? one is eyes contact. model used in advertisement may look the directly into the camera. this is will give the impression that the model is looking at the viewer, which the encourages the viewer to feel more the involved than if the model is looking away. close up the photograph that clearly show the viewer the face and eyes are the considered to be more involving than photoghraph taken from distance.

where there is language as well as pictures. the words are often closent to make some pattern or play on words, for example of alliteration. where sequentioal words being with the same letter or sound today.......tomorrow ..............nextday.


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