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converting communication


converting communication
Times change and we need change with them is an hold saying. one of the major ways in the curent times are changing is an how cominicate with each other. there have been rapid developments overthe past few decades in technologies for communication. advance in come putting and telecommunication mean that information can now be exchanged and processed globally at amazing speeds. this has resulted in what has been call the information revolution whereas the industrial revolition saw rise of the power of machines, the information revolution is seeing rise of information as a source of power.

All the major technological advantages, such as those we are experienceing in communication are necessary accompanied by other social an the culture change. think of your personal communication paterns and the impact of the fax machine. the cell phone, e-mail enternet on how, when, where, and with whom you comminicate. E-mail and cell phone, for the exampe, have enabled poeple to have the more frequent and flexible cantact with your friends and with family wherever they are. much of communication may seem trival and mundane. you have the rpobably overheard people on phone saying thing such as:

however. there are advantaged too. when a cell phone is used for the work the easy access can mean that work never end, it can flow us home adn inteude on our home life, and there is intrusion into others, leisure place when a cell phone tings in restaurant or theater. the french theorist, focault, argued that citizens of modern urban societies have an increasing urge to keep track of one other, and what we take part in this surveillance of each other because it gives us a sense of security. the cell phone enable, and perhaps encourages, this surveillance.


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