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internet issues


internet issues
The enternet is an amazing information resources. tudents, teachers, and the reserches use it as an investigation tool. Journalist use it to find information for stories. doctors use it to learn more about unfarmiliar diseases and the latest medicak developmen. ordanary pople use it for the shoping, blanking, bill paying and communicating with family and friends. people all over the world use it the connect with individuals from ohter countries and cultures. however while there are many positive development associated with the internet, there are also certain fears and concerns.

One concern relates to a black of censorship or the control over what the appears on the internet, nayone can put imformation on the internet can then be read by anyone else, eat anytime. this makes it very different from telivision and the radio there are editors to check accuracy or the appropriateness of the content of the programme, and with the television there are the restriction on what kind of programmen can be brodcast and the what times of the day. with the internet parents can not check a published guide to determine what is the suitable for their children to see while software can be used to blo0ck access to the certain websites such as those displaying pornagraphy, this can never ne co0mpletely effective.

There are also cncerns about privacy and control of communication on the internet. for example when you use email communication participate in the chat groups, it is possible that your private mesages may be read by ohter the without your knowing. if you buy things online or simply brows the internet it is the possible to trace all the website that you visit. someone may be looking over your shoulder electronically ' such information can be used build up a profile of your intrests and habits, one the propose for the such a profile is not provide information to companies who cell on line advertising space if they know your habits and intrest, they can select particulary adversement to send you when you are online. the adversement are the chosen to match your profile. one potential danger is that information cuold be used by other to your advertisement for example an employer could such as information to decide that you are not suit able applicant for a job.

A further issue related to the misuse of the internet work place. many companies are now finding that they need to the stabilished policies to control when the employers use the internet and for what purpose. recent serveys undertaken in the united states have revealed for the example that.
47 percent of the employes send up to five personal e-mail per day,
32 percent send up to ten personal emals daily. and the 28percent recieve up to twenty personal email day.
Online industry analysts perdict that internet misuse will cost companies an astimated i billion dollars in lost productivity.
in a companies that use software to monitor employee use of the internet, 60 percent of the managers said they had disciplined employees fo a online misues and the 30 percent had the fired people for such behavior, which included shoping or gambling online and downloading pornography


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