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Essential compliments of computer

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Essential compliments of computer

Human ware

Hardware: Hardware is only physical part of the computer, which is can be realize, or can be seen{touch} is known as hardware. it is just mechanism of the computer, all the devices attached to the computer system like, mouse, hardware, keyword, or monitor, CPU, motherboard, hard disk, are these hardware.

Software: Software is nothing but computer program, software is the set of program, which is are used for different purpose. it is also defined as the program concerned with the operating of the hardware in a data processing system.

Human ware: Who person handle operator {handles} computer and it is a periphery is know as the humanware it is a also sometimes called computer personnel/user/ operator.

ypes of software

The software are available are in a any computer system can be devided into the two types:

System software

Application software

System software: software is a integrated set of the specialized program that is used to manage the resources and overall operation of the computer, the software required for the running user program is known as a system of software is the collecting of the program written for the computer, which is allows the user to develop and the run program the system of the software it is the provided along with the computer itself and stored in a ROM, OR DISK.

Mainly: system software is devided into three types:

Operating system software

Utility software

Language software

Operaitng system software: An a operating system software is a program, which is overall operation{ activities} of the computer it is the media point the between the computer and operators. DOS, UNIX, WINDOWS are the example of the operating system. it is the program which is provideds organized services to the computer user and the appliucation program that they wish to use these services consist mainly of the access to the hardware resources, such as the disk drives, keyword, etc.

Utility software: utility program are these program, which are used for the managing files or folders. working with the files or folders then drives and developing/writing and testing the programs,. utility software are gives services to computer by providing facilities for the performing common tasks such as the data transfer, search and merge files recovery diskette management etc.

Language processor: Language processor are these which translate the program written in a programming language into an excuatable program {human understanding language}that is the understood and the followed by the hardware of the computer assemblers, compliers, interpreter, are the example for of the language process.

Assembler: A programs which is converts a program, written a low level language, into the mechine code. { mechanism language} is known as the assembler.

Compiler: A program which is translate a program. written a high level, into the binary digits{ mechanism language} is called the compilers.

Assembler and compiler are called also translate.

Interpreter: An the interpreter is a different types of translate. it is dose not convert the programming language into the mechine language, but direcdt the CPU to the follow each program statement. translating excuting each instruction in turn which means that translating .

Configuration fo computer system

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Configuration fo computer system

  • Power supply unit { stabilizer, ups, interruption power supply}
    we know that, computer is an electronic devices so electricity is compulsory requirement to operating. each and every components of computer can sustain a fixed current capacity so fluctuation of the voltage nay damage this components that's way we have to use voltage, stabilizer, etc, to maintain to the voltage fluctuation UPS is power storage devices so it;s help to supply power reliquary at the time of the interruption of electricity.
  • Input device
  • this devices are use to give raw data{input} to the computer performer the specific takes some input device are as follow.
  • Mouse
  • Keyword
  • Scanner
  • Joystick
  • Digital camera etc,

CPU {central processing unit}

  • The major unit of computer is a CPU { processor} known as the brain of the computer. all of the computer work are performed with the help of this devices like, 80286, 386,486, Pentium I, II, III, IV, are the different types of CPU, mainly it is devided into two units.
  • Arithmetic and logical unit {ALU}
  • Control unit {CU}
  • Output device

  • These device are use to get final result {output} from the computer firstly output process data is the displayed on the monitor then with the help of printer. we can print out these output on a paper media following are the major output devices:
  • Monitor
  • Printer
  • plotter
Memory device { attach to the system box} CPU,BOX.
  • The main purpose of the memory is to can store partial solution during the computer run:
  • Mainly these are the two types of memory
  • Primary memory
  • RAM { Random access memory or read write memory}

  • It is the running workspace of the computer intially, every tasks is stored in RAM, when we save these information then these are stored in secondary memory { storage devices} it is also called volatile memory because of the information are erased when the power is switched of/ 4MB 8MB/ 32MB/ 64 MB/ 128MB/ 256MB/ 512MB/ are the size of RAM available in the market.
ROM { Random only memory}
  • It is the programming chips, where all of the system information kept at the time of manufacture. we can see the information of ROM, at the time of booting computer. we can only read the information of ROM, we can't write edit/or delete the information available on it.
  • The processor of system retrieves data and instruction from the primary memory in the order to the execute program with the help of CU AND ALU.

  • Secondary memory : These are the storage devices, these are use to keep store the information data as well as different types of computer software program permanently these are the three types of memory devices.
  • Flexible or flopy disk{ A: OR B}
  • Solid or hard disk { C: OR D: OR E:}
  • Optical disk { D: OR E: OR F:} Depends upon the partition hard disk}

Computer of future

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Computer of future
In this century in the world todays we need any places we seeing computer life. that's way we moving new system in the world todays, every people well knows which is operating system computer, ever places to hold our business we should necessary computer.

Up coming human being life even places needed to computer without computer thisdays
not possible our work. there are so many people moving her business newness computer operating system because which can do that operating system for to those business. it's reference we saying this matter nothing possible ever places moving your business that's reference we saying today. as if you should do new creation own your business at that time you have to move your new software or new creation then you got find your new process, these due-to in the world everybody people who knowing this idea or to moving new kind of software may they will get succeed his business.

How many people still this day moving this kind of software or new design making her computer you can guess, may be our regrading to billion people today holding new process about of computer new program other than better work is doing today our business with computer that's way. always day where we needed to computer at the right time we should necessary our new creation program or new computer design after then we can find out our work within few minute or few hour we can get succeed.

Advantage of Softwere

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Advantage of Softwere
Softwere we also know about this system this reference we saying for them people who want to move his softwere they also have to know about knowldge. for the example we can give, computer softwere. hardwere softwere, network softwere, then you can find out so much softwere programme, etc, how to moving theese softwere. therefore who people hold on those favourite softwere they will make those work. that's way for ever we need our softwere day by the day, as result we can achieve our good new work.

To this days we need differ king of sotwere moving our bussiness in that without your softwere they can't acess those work. anything gose those lifestyle but they have to dose up comming life many work. therefore they had to move them good softwere, In the world to this meanstime ever time new borning scientist they fighting most of them challenger giving new forcess those mind. as far as they having those challenger onself new invention. because they had to know how to give chalenge for them, it's reference they fighter doing compitition because nothing possible there without new invention that's way they will giving the forcess himself good practical.

In the marketing sector thisdays softwere giving forcess beacause of as result having new occassion everbody bussiness holder. there are so many market we seeing day by day that's way
todays carrying big work softwere, if they nussiness holder making himself want to make new observation for that to work they need move himself softwere, therefore for ever time thisdays we necessary day by day have to design, there are so much benificial we can take out from the softwere. so that who people todays doing work as result having new softwere, so ever places we ever worker to hold his bussiness they need those favaurite softwere, which is might solve for the bussiness

Advantage of Hardwere

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About the advantage of hardwere there are so much we can get beneficial, something human being life they moving those differ kind of part of parcel hardwere you know that like, computer hardwere, something TV, WATCH, MONITOR, and then you can show out many hardwere they moving those mine hardwere, which is they got benifit ownself for bussiness.

It's most important human being life because this reference they moving ownself those bussiness . in the world todays big reaction coming human being life therefore we need so many kind of hardwere which is associate for his life then we can set off theese kind of hardwere, to this meanstime to this day having new hardwere there it's reference we founded theese types hardwere as resul this may possible implements in that we did create after many investigetion theese hardwere, as resul todays we moving diferent kind of hardwere then we having so much new hardwere our human being life.

Where to this days you can see in the world many scientist borning today they also doing those miner creating new hardwere, we mean that which one scientist fighting other scientist those mind therefore we need todays who have so much efficient or been good knowldge for that scientist we should give them good opportunity. as result we can find up comming our life got new hardwere.

Computer introduction

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Computer is an part of parcel hardwere, which is one machine through CPU moving this system. when you writes your matter through keyword then will show your destop pc, this machine relays almost with hardwere without your hardwere theese syster didn't move. for the example: we can give, Motherboord, hardisk, sound card, vj card, ram, etc.

There are something content of computer:

1 Hardwere
2 Softwere
3 Network

1 Hardwere : First of fall let's go hardwere, hardwere is one most of part your human being life while you operate your hardwere for that time you should becare, in that if you don't care this system at that time anything gose lost your hardwere system therefore you have to care bout this system. for the example: Motherboord, hardisk, sound card, vj card, ram, etc.

2 Softwere is nothing but computer progamming, when you need to moving your computer programming at that time you should keep your softwere inside the CPU. while you kept softwere programming inside your pc then now you can move computer programming. for the example: we can give, like, account package, computer design, ms word, excel, nework, etc. anything you can move your programme with pc.

3 Network : Networf is one communication. how much you can make your communication with netwok, you can make much more there in that this generation we need communication without communication we can't make our bussines, with bussiness this makes help, today in the world all over people who want make those communication there has been possible his network system . for the example : getting message both communication. sending message with friends, live music, face to face talk with friends, dailly news you can get much more favilities avalable there your network.

The beautiful pokhara

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This place is been located inside nepal when you visite at this nepal then you will see your destination beautiful place. in the something countris this place have been recognized that beautiful place, this palce from kathmadu you can go by the bus, by car, as like thruogh bike you can go there.

This place mainly is been tourist sector while those tourist comes out from his country then they first of fall will visit pokhara for tour this location is the best of place of nepal, when they gone pokara at that place them will be happiness reason is that first those rourist will see new natural mountain view, on the top of hilly region around pokhara place. then after see this mountain view you will be happy, and next time when did you reached there then you can see on the buttom land located conservativ oldest place hotel, like pow, phewatal for this one of best popular gone be. because phewatil is this place has been one natural place there you can visit by the rafting then one of begest moment is that you can see there pow between located one beautiful conservative old temple. whe you saw this temple you may be wonderfull therefore this is most of popular place have been new old creation place.

Them most of moment is that while you gone inside pokhara hotel for them customer as far as they will respect for givin those hotel warmly well-come, doing those conservative respect for them tourist, then givind those hotel expert quality food, like giving new destination place for them tourist, this has been for all about of responce work then well service. of them hotel most of popular hotel is lekside hotel you can visit there, this hotel is laxury, where you can get differ kind of facility you can achieve there then while you sat this hotel place you don't
feel never uncomfortable for your life. which is you had to facility you can get all over.

Not only sufficient your visit for that place other part of sector you can get there of them countain rigion inside pokhara you can get there annapurna the best mountain you can achiev there. while for mountain you saw then you will love this mountain, somethin next rigion you can get new conservative place, like oldest temple, oldest hotel, oldest houses, and next destination is for there are many natural place you can see. as like, something waterfall, small streams, some river's flowing buttom in this place,

The beautiful place Nagarkot

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The beautiful place Nagarkot
This place located in nepal, which is popular tourist sector and through the kathmandu you can visit this place. when you went there as like you can see around area mountain actraction view then in then while you raise in this morning you can get there as soon as sunrise and evening time when you past your days then you can get one beautiful moment that is sunset.

While do you want to visit those place more then more you can find out travell knowldge then lot of more enjoyed there. Infact we just saying not about of adventure place that is not adventure place it is most of about natural resourcess rich sector, therefore many people who visited this place they will say us we loved Nagarkot. for this place we can give example, like you can find out there mountain sight view, like top of the hilly region, like many waterfall, greenlad, as same like top of the mountain region snowfalling down sight stream you can see in this place.

As if we kept there those natural places doing visit more than better we can show out sufficient places. that's way it's so most of the vally through we can got it our visit place these area, so that many tourist while they want to visit nagarkot regrading to beautiful place they will keep on those visit next time, it's reference they want to visit there while tourist got it this place first of fall as far as how to give respect those tourist our Hotel they people thoughts, after giving respect they people whlie tourist will stay those hotel, as you know that respect how to could be them enjoy his hotel like, doing good service, giving the sweet food, and other factor is that we have to giving different places visit them, after then get back Hotel welly we should keep them, and they will get satisfaction them visit place in the final time they got it those destination travell places.

Nepal tourism sector

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The beautiful place Nagarkot
Nepal is an landlocked country which is in the world natural riches. there are so many country in the world but nepal is an one differ kind of country most other counntry. here are so differ kind of human being lives, like, brahman, chhetry, tamang, magar, curung, newar, etc, you can find out in the nepal. differ to differ cast they have ownself those culture, and abeying have come those tradition riligious.

In the most of country nepal has been traditional recognized. todays we have to know about something nepal because it's regrating to we saying for them people, nepal is an completely covered natural heritage, some of heritage we are explaning here there are somany natural heritage, like, huge mountain, hill, waterfall, rivers, streams, forest, adventure travell brodband links, you can show out. most of those tourist they want to visit for nepal, when they comes out from his country likely, they first of fall want to visit bout of nepal, other country so many there but not there same like nepal, because nepal is beter than other country for historical event, like some those traditional heritage, riligious, differ kind of cast several system living here. those cast culture, those traditional riligious you can show out in the nepal.

As if while they comes out from his country they first of fall giving forces travell trip, many rustic have been living there, when rustic met tourist and most of them tourist first of fall want to give those language, those historical, those riligious, and some of about they want to know hidden cultural, hiden oldest natural heritage, etc, they want to take out his camera. infact those visit may be searching new even and new artical, new biography want to make tourist.

Compitition trade of world

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Compitition trade of world
  • Thisdays in the world anywhere we can see there are having so much compitition. because of this century has been so powerfull trade, something trade we don't know that from where those bussiness trade moving in the world, therefore lots of people todays thinking how we can move our trade? how can we get sucessed? or how can we more profit from our trade? so as if we have failure moving this trade at that time we have been unsucess here.
  • That's way everyone trade getting to sucess we had to there more strive. after strive as if we can't get our profit we mean that there have been fail our rule and regulation moving to trade. isn't if how don't get our strive so ever time we have to give there something communication our trade, if we got loss our communication may be there wrong our operating system. so that we nedded to move again operating system our bussiness, even people today giving intence for those trade, why they giving intence those trade because there have so much power his trade that's way they has to give intence.

Changing World

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Changing World
From the world gboblization map changing newness world. In the world today is being change due to science, every sector every country moving all over world regrading to science, in life is that nothing possible without science life that way world is this 24 century almost we has to be necessary with science life.

When we did born this world scientist having the new chang todays, having science life, like every makers want to make his bussiness, those comminication, those work want to hold reference to scince, thus, whether you want move your hands or whether you did your work nobody possible as science. we having got today every sucess matter, or every work is being made with scientist life.

while scinentist did born this world they giving us newness work, newness bussiness, newness market and newness machine so reason is that its all over observating scientist engineering, while the Bili get his first did made computer todays you can see abybody people have been got computer makking there career pople good education computer and peopleself can make his life, its also reference to with scientist maker. thus this world day by day we have getting chang human being life todays differ you can see there world, not only just one country lots of more country having sucess today due to scientist life.

Every bussiness holding today as like your newness after the scientist rule investigation. while scientist made his good career. they did recomended his investigation todays we moving this career and same like scientist maker rule today thats way aften nothing possible working here today. we can hold out our bussiness, we cam moving our career, and we got to reached this places. every human being today taking through scienctist career, thats way today world is being change.

So who is there today scientist they can move his every sucess work, like his career, good education, good skill, good job anyone you can get your porject, people thought today we got this newness advantages our scientist rule. and makign good career, having newness world, getting the new way thus this life is being change in the world world creating new investigation.

Natural resources of Nepal

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Natural resources of Nepal
Nepal is one most of them country natural resources region. here are so many natural resources you can found. as far as most natural resources lots of here. for example, like mountain view, waterfall, rivers, stream so much more you can get here or you can see here thats way, its your regrating to you can say or you can love nepal,

After the Brazil water resouces you can see for nepal. here are so many like rivers, waterfall, and stream, thus we can take out more Hydropower, more electricity can gets here, from electricity we can move lots of Industrials, hotel, factory and so ohter sector is we can move more lots of other like bussiness, its due to natural resources may beneficial for nepal,

While tourist comes out from his country most of them tourist they will live nepal, reason is that here are most of religious and conservativ ancient like temple, and other sector is they will love Nepali people, when tourist comes out from his country first of fall we dose respect them, not only just while nepali people with talk about nepal most of tourist want to know about of nepal because of they want to learn somthing from here, and so they will visit as far as they can walk for tour may can get tourist about of nepal historical places, ancient places like temple nepali riligious they can get all over knowldge,

Its regrating to tourist will love nepal while they got it his sucessfull visit and they did newness places, like doing the visit, taking intertaint mountain view, waterfall from top of high hilly region, taking the atractive view, they loves nepal, every people who want visit nepal thet really suppose of nepal.

Diminishing natural resources

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Diminishing natural resources
Although they make up less than percent of the worlds population, each year people in the united states use about 30 percent of the worlds energy and the raw materials {such as oil, water, and basic food crops such as the wheat} other industrialized nation also take more than their fair share. if this continues, soon there will be no resources for anybody to use. according to some estimates the globel suppliers of oil will last only fifty years. we are also endangering suppliers of good farming in land and water for the example, we are losing topsoil the good riching top of layer of soil that plant need to be grow well at an alarming rate in the worst cases, an inch of the top soil which the nature takes 100 to 150 yers to form is being destroyed in ten to twenty years.

Not everyone agrees about the future danger. some argue that the future will be better. they said they that we will know better how to control our environment and that technology will the provide us with new resources. for example, solar energy will replace coal and oil plastic will the replace tin and other metals. in fact this has been happening for the some time. however, producing some of these new resources may contribute to the second major environment problem pollution.

culture variation

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culture variation
In the all culture even those that appear from the outside to be very unoform for homogeneous. there is a great deal variation in the attitudes and values. there are many factor that contribute to this diversity. they include different in a age, in education in social status or class. and a gender, as well as factor such as whether poeple live in the country or in a town or city.

Some culture are more tolerant than others differeces in values and behaviour among there individuals member and subgroups. for the example, in the united state there are generally great deal of the variation in what are the considered acceptable ways to ge married. most poople still gey married in the a religious ceren only in a church or temple, but there are many variations. nonreligious ceremonies can be performd by poeple licensed to do so and the people may get married in a garden, by in a hot air balloon ,under water, or dressed in the costumes of their favorite entertainer.

my aim in future

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my aim in future
Every people who want know about his life but there is nothing somone, but something is better than nothing thats way we should chose good aim if you dont have any aim in your may you can fell there, how can to introduce of them people your name who am i? in the case you have to seriouly say is me this is me that, thus who people will make his good aim its regrading to you got to your destination may.

I am looking forward what will be make me so since today to i taking care when up comming temper my life at that time i will be positive because when you not have been positive thats time may you can fell from your life that way. in case will you want take hopeless there? according to my vision i didnt fall there because may thats your making step ladder of your life so take be positive every people there nothing possible when you move your every bodies, everymind, any skill there. so at that time go on progress there dont look downstare look up there and face your problem ahead, and hold on every temper its might be getting sucessfull your life,

So i will be hopping up comming i will show the people who am i? i will make make good my family, i will make good men whome people is that me so dont hopeless my people nothing there possible it can possible for your life. never take serious your life, be make positive.

student life

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student life
The student life is the most valuable time in our life. it is the time when we cab shape our future. if we have good training in our student life will most help stuenet life and so we can make good future anywhere.

In student life we need learn good education because if students have good skill they student may make his future well thus we know that every student know nowdays they want to learn good education because through good education student might make carrer so studenet in life anybody should have good skill there student can make sure his life regrading among to
his good and so we have to take caerefull our life then we can got it,
As if who dont have good oppurnity for student life may they will have been hard his life, so that kind of they should cath new man of the letter so if may help his life in case nobody can
take his opportunity in the last time they will be hopeless thats way student we are alos equall good educaion has time thus thats kind of students to we should help them.

Anyway whatever who have good knowldge who dont have unknowldge we have to make sure that hand to hand raise up unity, so we and then we can make sure that future. student is up comming man of the letter for the future thats way we should make good career, good knoeldge. have to catch good friends, so we have up comming new future and always have to take be positive. we mean that saying we will be man of the letter for student life.


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Democracy is a political system in which the citizens of a country elect their representative. the government is formed this representative of the people. abraham lincoln famous president of the united states has defined that a democracy is the government of the people by the people.

Democracy is government that allows freedom of speech religion and political openion, its provides treatment of each ohter by citizens are the equals. without social class division. in uphold the rule of the law and majority rule it also respect rights of the minorities.

In the democratic country fundamentals rights of citizens are guaranteed by the constitution sovereigntly lines on the whole people of the country, in the persent world most of the countries have excercised democracy, Democracy has provided many advantages to people. however, it has some demerits too.

The importance of education

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The importance of education
Education is necessary for the progress of the people of country. without the proper education. no country can achieve any remarkable progress. education is the therefore an important factor for development. if the people are educated, they can acquire good knowldge of different things,

Education is useful to people almost all the profession. if farmers are educated they can do their best in farming. they would know how to use the fertilizer they would also develop better way of cultivation, education is the basic need for producing man power such as the doctor, pilots, teacher, farmers or policeman, No uneducated person can have chang of the getting jobs or employment, good education is necessary for the earning lilving.

Education has its own value, an the educated person can be admired by another people, too, thus education is most essential part of the our life.

your local festival

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your local festival
There are many number of local festival to ne the celebrated in our country nepal. one of local such local festival is Gai jatra festival or the cow festival.

On gai jatra every family from which someone has died recently must honour the soul of dead. they send religious peocession through the streets. they decorate a cow or young boy colourfully. the procession consists of a family priest, group of the musician and the small boy decorated to represent as a holy man or yogi.

People perform rituals at their homes early in the morning. each of procession groups stars to join other simillar groups. these procession groups walk past temple, holey places and idols. each other groups must pass by the ancient royal place the hanuman dhoka in kathmandu.

Travel broadens mind

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Travel broadens mind
In the world today people want to go from one place to another. they do not want to remain at one place for the long time.

Different people have different purposes of travelling. some travell to attain the knowdge. some go to healthier places in order that they can recover their broken health. some go only for the pleasure. some travell earning for money

Travelling provided us many benefits. some we can have education by the visiting places of intrest. we can see mountain, lekes, sea, temples, pagodas, waterfall, etc, and we can visit different fypes of people. we will be able to the study the social and cultural attitude of various sects of people.
travelling can be lead us to the vast brotherhood in the world we can thus say that travell broadens our mind.

Value of time

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Value of time
Time todays moves forward. It cannot be measured with price or money. it is however the most value things in life.

What we need can be bought but time can never ne bought. time always fleets any wothout any rest. it can not be controlled or limited by any power. even the smallest unit of time is more value than any of the metals such as the gold silver and the diamond.

The time is equally important for all this vast world. there is saying time and the tide wait for no man, it means that times once last can never be regained. we should develop the habit of doing everythings in right time.
people who gave the great value to time became successfull in their lives those who missed good opportunities of time were never sucessfull.
time should always be the utilized in a good action it not must be wasted inidle deeds timehas significance for the people to make their future brigh if we value our life we must we know that value of time. only then we can be best able to achieve great success in life.

internet issues

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internet issues
The enternet is an amazing information resources. tudents, teachers, and the reserches use it as an investigation tool. Journalist use it to find information for stories. doctors use it to learn more about unfarmiliar diseases and the latest medicak developmen. ordanary pople use it for the shoping, blanking, bill paying and communicating with family and friends. people all over the world use it the connect with individuals from ohter countries and cultures. however while there are many positive development associated with the internet, there are also certain fears and concerns.

One concern relates to a black of censorship or the control over what the appears on the internet, nayone can put imformation on the internet can then be read by anyone else, eat anytime. this makes it very different from telivision and the radio there are editors to check accuracy or the appropriateness of the content of the programme, and with the television there are the restriction on what kind of programmen can be brodcast and the what times of the day. with the internet parents can not check a published guide to determine what is the suitable for their children to see while software can be used to blo0ck access to the certain websites such as those displaying pornagraphy, this can never ne co0mpletely effective.

There are also cncerns about privacy and control of communication on the internet. for example when you use email communication participate in the chat groups, it is possible that your private mesages may be read by ohter the without your knowing. if you buy things online or simply brows the internet it is the possible to trace all the website that you visit. someone may be looking over your shoulder electronically ' such information can be used build up a profile of your intrests and habits, one the propose for the such a profile is not provide information to companies who cell on line advertising space if they know your habits and intrest, they can select particulary adversement to send you when you are online. the adversement are the chosen to match your profile. one potential danger is that information cuold be used by other to your advertisement for example an employer could such as information to decide that you are not suit able applicant for a job.

A further issue related to the misuse of the internet work place. many companies are now finding that they need to the stabilished policies to control when the employers use the internet and for what purpose. recent serveys undertaken in the united states have revealed for the example that.
47 percent of the employes send up to five personal e-mail per day,
32 percent send up to ten personal emals daily. and the 28percent recieve up to twenty personal email day.
Online industry analysts perdict that internet misuse will cost companies an astimated i billion dollars in lost productivity.
in a companies that use software to monitor employee use of the internet, 60 percent of the managers said they had disciplined employees fo a online misues and the 30 percent had the fired people for such behavior, which included shoping or gambling online and downloading pornography

Advertising in the media

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advertising in  the media
Most telivision networks, radio stations, and the newspaper depend for their income in a selling advertising time or space. As a result advertising is a very common feature of all our dailly media. in fact most of newspaper advertising makes of the majority of the content. very large amount of money are spent on the production of advertising far more than is spent on a media programme such as the soap aperas or the news. A television commercial can easily cost many thousand of dollars per second.

Like other texts in the media, advertisement have to the attract the audiences attention and there are many diffferent strategies used in the advertising to do this. Some advertisements provide information about product or services in order to the influence the audience to that buy product or services. they tell us what the product is a made of or what is the useful for, or and how much is cost. but there are growing number of advertisement provide vey little information about the product. instead they are designed to create in image, and image that appeals to our desires and testes, in the pages of glossy fashion magazines ther are for example, advertisement for the perfumes., for jewelry, for watches, and for mane brand clothes in which ther is nothing more than brand name or a logo and picture. the picture is that often present an a image beauty, wealth, an idyllic location or lifestyle {see the picture above} romance or popularity, things that as we the audience are the assumed to desire to want to be associated with.

what are the some feature in the designe of the advertisement that the encourage us as the vewier to feel the attracted and involved? one is eyes contact. model used in advertisement may look the directly into the camera. this is will give the impression that the model is looking at the viewer, which the encourages the viewer to feel more the involved than if the model is looking away. close up the photograph that clearly show the viewer the face and eyes are the considered to be more involving than photoghraph taken from distance.

where there is language as well as pictures. the words are often closent to make some pattern or play on words, for example of alliteration. where sequentioal words being with the same letter or sound today.......tomorrow ..............nextday.

population change

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population change
For the past million years worlds population has grown almost continiously, although not always same rate. despite demographers are predicting that our population grown will slow down and ten stabilize or stay steady.

There have been three great population surges in life of the humankind. each followed a technological revolution the dramatically increased the number of people that the world keep alive. the first revolution was the invention of tool making {using stone and animal parts to make hunting and the cooking equipmrny} that occured gradually around the world between a million and 100,000 years ago. the second was invention of farming . which began at the end of the last ice age, about the 100,00 years ago, agriculture helped the worlds population rise from less than 10 million to about 150 million at the time of christ and 350 million one thousand years ago. then there are fourteenth century the number of peopel dropped dramitically because of the black death - a terrible sickness that spread rappidly across europe and Asia. in the Europe it reduced the population by a third

converting communication

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converting communication
Times change and we need change with them is an hold saying. one of the major ways in the curent times are changing is an how cominicate with each other. there have been rapid developments overthe past few decades in technologies for communication. advance in come putting and telecommunication mean that information can now be exchanged and processed globally at amazing speeds. this has resulted in what has been call the information revolution whereas the industrial revolition saw rise of the power of machines, the information revolution is seeing rise of information as a source of power.

All the major technological advantages, such as those we are experienceing in communication are necessary accompanied by other social an the culture change. think of your personal communication paterns and the impact of the fax machine. the cell phone, e-mail enternet on how, when, where, and with whom you comminicate. E-mail and cell phone, for the exampe, have enabled poeple to have the more frequent and flexible cantact with your friends and with family wherever they are. much of communication may seem trival and mundane. you have the rpobably overheard people on phone saying thing such as:

however. there are advantaged too. when a cell phone is used for the work the easy access can mean that work never end, it can flow us home adn inteude on our home life, and there is intrusion into others, leisure place when a cell phone tings in restaurant or theater. the french theorist, focault, argued that citizens of modern urban societies have an increasing urge to keep track of one other, and what we take part in this surveillance of each other because it gives us a sense of security. the cell phone enable, and perhaps encourages, this surveillance.


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